Tuesday, 11 March 2014

3 months old

I can't even believe it but the twins turned 3 months old yesterday.  The last three months are a blur.  If it wasn't for this blog I probably wouldn't remember anything.  
Josie has been eating like a champ for the last few weeks.  I will take them to the LC next week to get them weighed but I would bet that she is over 8 lbs right now.  James, the hulk that he is, is probably around 11 lbs.  they are small for their age but they are gaining well given their very small start. 
Developmentally they are also doing well.  They are smiling a lot, Josie especially.  They are following objects with their eyes and making long eye contact with us when they talk to them.  They are also able to hold their heads up on their own now, James especially. 
Best of all they are amazing night sleepers!  We have developed a great night time routine and the babies have been sleeping consistently for 4-6 hours after they are first put down and then 3-4.5 hours the second time.  They don't sleep for very long during the day, just lots of short naps, but that is fine with us as long as they keep sleeping well at night.  
I ordered this adorable caterpillars costume online about a month ago and it arrived just in time for a 3 month photo shoot.  Are they not the cutest kids ever?

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